Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pain de Campagne

Another one of the rustic breads, simple and easy to shape, this week’s bread is intended to be shaped. There were so many to choose from and I was very excited to try some of the different techniques out. This dough is similar to the regular French baguette from last week, but it includes a small percentage of whole grain. The additional grain gives the bread more character and flavor, and contributes to the brownish-gold, country-style crust that distinguishes it from the white flour counterpart.

I had a number of choices to shape the dough, and I was anxious to try the epi or wheat sheaf. It looked fun to create a baguette in the shape of some wheat stalks, and I get to use scissors. However my technique proved to be lacking and I had to resort to youtube to see the actually shaping techniques. I should have kept it straight and cut along the face of the bread itself. Instead I just cut at the 45 degree angle from the side. I also used a suggested cutting technique on the boule shape here. It was fun and I think I’ll be doing the epi shape again, especially for a party since it does look good and acts like a pull-a-part bread.

1 comment:

Cindy Feingold said...

I love the round loaves with the scissor snips. Very artisan looking.