This is a rich bread, only an Italian version of the French Brioche from the previous baking. It’s loaded with flavors that stem from the combination of a cured meat (in this case Salami) and soft cheese (provolone.) You may notice the same crust and texture of the Brioche in this loaf comes from the eggs and nearly 1 cup of butter. This time I let the dough site before adding the butter so as to let the gluten develop. By letting the mixture sit before adding the butter, I was able to avoid having the butter coat the gluten before it could form.
It’s noted that in this type of bread other types of cheese may be used, but it should be a good melter with distinctive flavors, such as Swiss,
The hollow parts come from the cheese being centered and then melting into the bread itself. The bread was a success, but I think next time I will mix the cheese in a little more to ensure a more even distribution. It’s awesome warmed, and if you’ve ever had that cheesy mozzarella bread at the Madison’s farmer’s market, it was similar to that. I would like to cap this weekends ethnic activities for those who knew was going on. I a Mexican in a Scottish wedding, made an Italian bread similar to a French bread and preparing for a Jewish bread next week.
Next week, Challah
It looks delicious (and oh-so multi-cultural)!
I want this bread again.
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